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Orville and Samnal


Updated: Feb 20, 2023

Name: Orville

Age: 16 years

Gender: male

Race: human (Tris'Hathian - Saxen)

Height: 5'3"

Personality: Naive, empathetic, impulsive. Deep down, under all the trauma and PTSD and brainwashing, Orville is a good soul. He wants nothing in the world so much as he wants to save cute little animals and live a happy, safe life out in the country somewhere. He is smart enough to realize that the lot he’s been dealt in life does not line up with his wants, and so he works hard to ensure other people are able to attain their dreams instead. He always means well, even if his actions don’t always match his end goals.

Description: Short, malnourished, scruffy. Orville has all the physical appeal of a stick figure. He is not muscular, fat, or otherwise shaped in a way that could invoke some sort of definition. He is a stick with a mop of brown hair on his head.



Name: Samnal Na’carrah

Age: adult

Gender: male

Breed: Arx Atra Mons Beast / Hathian / Hydra

Colour: Mud-blue

Height: 18’ at the shoulder

Abilities: Breath Weapon (Ice), Telepathy, Teleportation, Venomous Stingers

Personality: A safe, happy life out in the country? Perfect! No one could hardly ever try to mess with Orville and that dream life with a hydra on his side, right? Right! Samnal’s a cheerfully cocky little (“little”) thing, the kind of white-hat upstart that rolls into town and starts making trouble with the people that deserve it, just to have the upper hand on putting them in their place. He’d call it pro-actively nipping problems in the bud, because truly, he wants that peaceful homestead for Orville more than anything.

Origin: Nidus Caeligenus

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