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G'nen and Mooseth


Updated: Feb 20, 2023

Name: G'nen

Age: 45 years

Gender: male

Race: human (Tris'Hathian - Freeholder)

Height: 6'8"

Personality: Quiet, introverted, protective. G’nen is dedicated to T’ril above all else. They are not lovers. In fact, G’nen is quite opposed to the concept in general. Yet he will happily state that T’ril is his life mate. Beyond T’ril and their bonds, he does not enjoy interacting with people very much. He is often described as aloof and irritable, when the truth is that he is simply made deeply uncomfortable by social situations. His favourite thing in the world is to assist T’ril on his latest invention.

Description: Tall, broad, square. G’nen is built like a tree. His skin is tanned and leathery from a lifetime of hard labour, and his beady gray eyes are often lost beneath his overhanging brows. He wears a near-constant scowl, but it’s one of concentration more than anything else. He prefers to dress in simple, comfortable clothing without any adornments.



Name: Mooseth

Age: 31 years

Gender: male

Breed: Denner

Colour: brown

Height: 9' at the shoulder

Abilities: Fire breath, telepathy, teleportation

Personality: Quiet, content, patient. There is not much in the world that moves Mooseth. He is happy to spend time with his friends and family. He wants nothing more in life than to make sure that the ones he cares about are protected and happy.

Origin: The Healing Den

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