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Name: Kaanta

Age: adult

Gender: female

Breed: 1/2 Lantessama Plant Dragon, 1/4 Tris'Hath Hydra, 1/4 Mutt

Colour: Water rose blue

Size: 18' at the shoulder

Abilities: Breath Weapons (Acid, Fire) - The ability to breathe either a gout of fire or a spray of acid.

Natural Spellcaster - After reaching their first decade in age, the hybrid begins to develop magical ability. The older they get, the more powerful they can become.

Telepathy - The ability to communicate mind-to-mind.

Verbal Speech - The ability to communicate in spoken words.

Personality: Confident, pragmatic, reclusive. Kaanta is not particularly fond of large groups. In fact, she would much rather spend the majority of her time on her own. She is not bothered by silence or seclusion, just so long as she can explore the wilds all around her. Kaanta is a wanderer, desperate to see everything of the natural world there is to see. She would welcome the company of other wander-lust individuals, so long as they understand the value of silence.​

Parents: Kor'yaune Selamputo x Lacrichi x Nalpick x Twishar

Origin: Hydra Plant Dragon Giveaway

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