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Catrain Cleeves


Updated: Mar 18, 2023

Name: Catrain Cleeves

Age: 23 years

Gender: female

Race: human (Tris'Hathian - Sudlanese)

Height: 5'4"

Personality: Deceptively normal, downright dumb, and friendly.

Description: Auburn hair, blue-green eyes, light brown skin. If Catrain has ever known a day out of the sun, she doesn't remember it. Her skin has a ruddy colour and texture thanks to her life at sea. Her hair is a wild, untamed mass that has never seen a brush. She will typically tie it up in a bandana to keep it out of her eyes. She likes to wear bright blues and greens to match her eyes, and she has a gap-toothed smile due to an incident with a fish when she was a child.



Name: Develaw

Age: adult

Gender: male

Breed: Icarian drak mutt

Colour: fire

Size: 7' at the shoulder

Abilities: Telepathy, teleportation, acid spit

Personality: ​Gregarious, Protective, Intuitive, and Brave. Develaw is never without a crowd. He adores socializing with humanoids and dracanoids alike, and will cheerfully engage in whatever social event is active at the time. He is also fiercely protective of his bond, and quite attuned to her quirks. When it comes to Cat, he has an endless font of patience, though this same trait does not extend to others. What some might call "bravery", others might call "hot headedness." If something needs doing, he will do it. Immediately. Without thought as to consequences.

Parents: Kaurynel x D'phaliaaw Ty Miashaw Alamyr

Origin: Honshu Drakhold


Name: Skipper

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