Name: Roah
Age: 38
Gender: female
Race: human (Tris'Hathian - liron/Penti/tanadrum)
Height: 5'8"
Personality: Fierce, passionate, witty. Roah never says no to a challenge, never backs down from a fight, and never passes up the opportunity to crack a joke. While she does take after Rugan in many aspects, she has a calmer head on her shoulders and understands the value of a political answer to a problem. She is also an outgoing and engaging individual. She gathers friends easily and inspires loyalty thanks to her charismatic tendencies and her own fierce dedication to her values and morals. While she doesn't always get along with her mother, she loves her dearly. She also despises
Description: Tall, athletic build with nut brown skin, black hair, and golden eyes. Though well into her adulthood, she maintains a trim and toned figure and tends to look much younger than her age. This may also be due in part to her liron blood, which lends a hint of feline grace to her features and movements. Her hair is long, straight, and falls to her mid-back. She prefers to wear earth-toned clothes, often overlaid by a leather jacket. She has a very slight point to her ears.
Name: Sinaeath
Age: adult
Gender: female
Breed: Vella Creanian Light Court
Colour: white
Size: 12' at the shoulder
Abilities: fire breath, teleportation, telepathy
Personality: Calm, serene, patient. Sinaeath is the calm to Roah's storm. She appears to have an endless font of patience and never gets ruffled, even when her bond is ready to fly into a rage. She is always willing to listen to both sides of a story and always gives the benefit of the doubt to those who need it. She is the voice of reason in Roah's head, and when they both put their minds to it, they can be a powerhouse of logic and forethought.
Origin: The Vella Crean
Hatchling Image:
Name: Anger
Age: adult
Gender: female
Breed: Embodiment of Sin
Colour: brown/black/fire
Size: 8' at the shoulder
Abilities: fire breath, telepathy, teleportation, telekenesis, pyrokenesis
Personality: What're you looking at? Piss off.
Parents: None
Origin: The Vella Crean