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Reema and Essarra


Updated: Feb 23, 2023

Name: Reema Farlight

Age: 18 years

Gender: female

Race: Human (Tris'Hathian - Lanuthan)


Personality: Benevolent, optimistic, contrary. Reema always believes there is a better solution to any problem, and that solution is often of her own making. This philosophy has failed her in the past, but she is forever optimistic about the future. She is a tinkerer and a fixer at heart. No project is ever completed because it can always be improved on. Some see her as weak willed as she is forever giving in to those who need a favour from her. She prefers to see herself as dependable in a pinch.

Description: Beefy build, round features, brown hair, blue eyes. The left side of Reema’s head is shaved down to reveal a tattoo of gears behind her ear. The rest of her hair hangs to chin length on the right. She has vibrant blue eyes, which are the only striking feature in her mediocre face. She is quite athletic and this shows in her muscular limbs. She prefers to dress in sleeveless shirts and overalls.



Name: Essarra Onissian

Age: 3 years

Gender: female

Breed: Avengaean Daemon-Alevahari mutt

Colour: Northwest lynx

Size: 10' at the shoulder

Abilities: Magic Leeching, Telepathy, Teleportation, Illusion Magic, Shamanistic Magic

Personality: Introverted, adventurous, contrary. Essarra loves a good adventure. An adventure can be anything from following up on a lead regarding some evil beasties that need routing, to finding a new path home in the evening. She lives by a philosophy that the world exists to be explored, and it’s her duty to see as much of it as possible. While she does enjoy company on her ventures, she is very selective about who she spends time with. She isn’t one for big parties or meeting new people, but she keeps close the people she does let into her life. She can be quite contrary, eternally in search of a different angle from which to approach a problem. Especially with her parents.

Origin: Fur and Feathers Frenzy

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