Name: Michel Nahish
Age: Ancient
Gender: Male
Race: Project - The Advocate
Height: 5’8”
Personality: Arrogant, self-confident, shrewd. Michel comes across as a self-righteous prick much of the time, but only to those who don’t know him. To those familiar with him, all that confidence is well earned. He is an intelligent, calculating individual who only boasts when he knows that he has something to boast about. Otherwise he makes an effort to hang back, let others drag out the information for him, and then squirrels it all away for later use. He is a proud man, but no one will ever accuse him of being stupid.
Description: Average height, scruff, dark hair, brown eyes. Michel maintains a rather unkempt , though whether that’s deliberate or not is up for debate. He constantly has a 6 o’clock shadow, his hair cut is short and rather bland, but his eyes are always bright. He dresses in fine, if not tailored, suits with pops of colour in the ties and kerchiefs. He looks like he’s in the wrong universe for selling used cars.
Name: Lankeuth
Age: hatchling
Gender: male
Breed: Dark Court
Colour: brown
Size: 10’ at the shoulder
Abilities: Fire breath, teleportation, telepathy
Personality: Lankeuth knows exactly what he wants in life. Adventure. Charting new territories. Making new and unexpected discoveries. He was surprised to find that the shell of his rider is so … well, old. But Lankeuth can feel the power and strength of his bond, and it burns. He can’t wait to discover the Nexus, and his unwaveringly loyal to his rider.
Origin: The Vella Crean