Name: Maeve
Age: 10 years
Gender: female
Race: Human (Pernese)
Height: 4'6"
Personality: Cheerful, introverted, optimistic. Maeve has never been very good at making friends. Despite this, she is a happy child. While she has never quite understood how to get along with people, she has found kinship among dragons. She likes the way they insinuate themselves into her mind rather than chattering out loud with all that mouth flapping. Maeve is not one for loud noises and crowded spaces. She much prefers singing to the static.
Description: Thin, curly hair, blue(?) eyes. At 10 years old, Maeve has not fully come into her figure yet. She is rail thin and straight with long legs that promise a growth spurt in the near future. A barely managed nest of brown curls sits atop her head. Her eyes are a strange shade of blue that never seems to be the same as the last time. But that’s impossible so forget it was even mentioned. She likes to wear reds and pinks as they are her favourite colours.
Name: Streptopeliath
Age: hatchling
Gender: male
Breed: Pernese
Colour: brown
Size Class: brown
Adult Height: 9'6" at the shoulder
Abilities: Assisted Firebreath, Telepathy, Teleportation
Personality: ruthless, private, ambitious, sensitive
Parents: Ranoth and Kalapatith
Origin: Shigan Weyr
Adult Image: