Name: Kilvar Earthlord
Age: 42 years
Gender: male
Race: dwarf
Height: 4'2"
Personality: Brave, oblivious, absent-minded. Kilvar is not the brightest ox in the barn, but he sure is the strongest. He relies on his strength to get him out of most situations, which is not the best approach to life but it's the one he has. Despite his tendency to hit first and think later, he is a friendly and considerate person. His charisma has earned him quite a few die-hard companions.
Description: Burly, red beard, bald. If "built like a brick shithouse" had a dictionary entry, he would be the associated picture. Kilvar is muscled from head to toe. Not that it's easy to tell given he prefers to wear several layers of cloth and leather. Most notable of his attire is his long, pointed leather hat, which he wears at all times to cover up his bald head. He has grown his beard out extra long to compensate for the lack of hair on top, and braids the beard to keep it out of his way. Small baubles and shiny stones have been woven into the beard to give it an extra bit of bling.
Name: Rysha
Age: adult
Gender: female
Breed: effervescent opal
Colour: sapphire
Size: 2' at the shoulder
Abilities: Limited flight - their wings are narrow and not really suited for extensive or complicated flying. They are better on or under ground.
Bioluminescence - They emit a soft glow from their hair
Vibration sense - they can feel subtle movements through the earth using their chin tendrils
Telepathy - the ability to speak mind to mind
Magic - can vary in strength and type based on elemental affinity (water)
Velcro - using their six pick-like arms, they excel at digging, carrying, and clinging to things. Once latched on, they cannot be shaken off.
Breath Weapon (Fire) - the ability to breathe a gout of flame
Portal Creation - the ability to create a portal between spaces and dimensions for quick travel
Rock Picking - the ability to identify valuable minerals and stones
Strong Hearing - the ability to hear soft or distant sounds
Personality: Easily impressed, energetic, active imagination. Rysha cannot sit still for more than a few minutes. No really, she'll explode. It'll be horrible and gooey and you'll get little bits of Rysha all over you and then you'll be traumatized and then, two months later, you'll find a little piece in your hair that you didn't clean out properly and you'll be traumatized all over again. ... Rysha is a lot.
Parents: Hiasan x Nii
Origin: Tris'Hath