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Julka and Ashanel


Updated: Feb 23, 2023

Name: Julka

Age: 18 years

Gender: female

Race: Liron

Height: 6'3"

Personality: Cautious, organized, optimistic. Julka doesn’t look at a glass as half empty or half full. She measures the exact liquid to volume ratio and bases her answer on empirical evidence. She is slow to make decisions, but extremely detailed in her analysis of what decision needs to be made. She enjoys spending time around people, but her lack of social awareness leaves her feeling timid and hesitant to join conversations. She is also deathly afraid of heights.

Description: Short by liron standards, with sandy fur and gray-green eyes. She dresses in muted colours and doesn’t like to show off her shape, though she keeps quite fit.



Name: Ashanel Selamputo

Age: adult

Gender: female

Breed: Hathian/Piralan dragon mutt

Colour: Fire-maned white

Size:10' at the shoulder

Abilities: Shapeshifting (Anthro), Summon Fire Elemental, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech

Personality: Sensitive, shy, adventurous. Ashanel just wants to be friends. The problem is, she is terrified of new social encounters and tends to clam up around people she doesn’t know. She relies on her friends and associates to speak for her. Even so, she is always game for a good hunt or exploration of an unknown location. She delights in the discovery of new things.

Origin: Fur and Feathers Frenzy



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