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Irhtos and Migsulth

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

Name: Irhtos (Secret)

Age: 13 years

Gender: female

Race: drasis

Height: 5'3" (human) / 5'7" (drasis)

Personality: Suspicious, perceptive, Protective of colleagues or compatriots. Irhtos is a “glass half full” sort of person, though she’s not above assuming the glass is poisoned. She is very slow to warm up to people, but once done, forms fast bonds and becomes very protective of her friends. She tries to avoid drawing attention to herself as much as possible. Her favourite pastime is reading.

Description: Purple eyes, green scales, tanned skin, green hair. In her human form, Irhtos is incredibly tall for her age at 5’4”. This height increases in her drasis form. She is lanky and long limbed, and because of that, often looks malnourished. Her drasis form has a multitude of spikes running down her spine and along the edges of her wings. She appears far more draconid in terms of facial features than many drasis.



Name: Migsulth

Age: hatchling

Gender: male

Breed: Pernese-Alskyran/Danachian/Eienic Mutt

Colour: Body bicolor graphite with sharply defined dark grey marks; wingsails transparent high black; crest and tail spade pale grey; horns and claws pale grey; eyes faceted violet, pupiled as humanoid

Parents: Calietosth and Dairruinth

Size: 8’10” s/l/ws, 6’3″ head bipedal

Build: Very strong, muscular, bipedal is shredded abs and torso strength for days.

Description: Pernese-Alskyran/Danachian/Eienic Mutt, four legs and two wings, feet have apparently retractable claws, wings have large wrist thumbs with thick claws; angular head with knobs having very long and sharp horns, faceted eyes, and a jagged tall crest, echoed on the spade of very long slender tail.

In shifted form they are humanoid in both height and build, with claws on feet maintained, long tail and wings maintained, they have pointed ears and a narrow beaklike nose, retaining the jagged crest and horns; hands have narrow long fingers.

Stats: Strength 5, Speed 6, Endurance 5, Agility 2, Health 3, Intelligence 4

Abilities: 6 Unassisted Firebreath (assisted in bipedal), ShadowSense, Verbal Speech; 5 *Shape Shift; 3 Long lifespan, Telepathy, Telekinetics; 2 Void Teleport; 1 magic spells – needs training if this is to be exploited but will never be very good with spellcasting, local teleport

Personality: Curious, cocky, attentive. Migsulth is an excellent listener. Mostly because he’s trying to gain intel on anyone he’s speaking to at any given time, but that person will definitely felt heard. He is also a shameless flirt and isn’t above using his good looks to help him get his way. He believes he is impervious to consequence, except when it comes to his bond. Irhtos is the only one he drops the “know it all” act around.

Origin: The Checkerboard Ball

Migsulth's humanoid form:

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