Name: Gloriana Drake
Age: 16 years
Gender: female
Race: Human (Tris'Hathian - Lanuthan)
Height: 5'7"
Personality: Reflective, mediator, conceited. Gloriana prides herself on her ability to help others settle disputes. She may pride herself a little too much on this ability, but given that she’s quite good at mediating, she considers the polls balanced. She is slow to make decisions, often taking a long time to reflect on past decisions and their outcomes. She loves a new challenge.
Description: Tall, muscular, lanky. Gloriana is a dark skinned girl with a shaved head, brown eyes, and a cute, triangular-shaped face. She typically dresses in overalls or other sturdy working clothes. As she is difficult to miss in a crowd, she often slouches.
Name: Loranaith
Age: adult
Gender: female
Breed: 50% Pernese Variant, 25% Shadowling, 25% Glider
Colour: galaxy
Size: 11’ at the shoulder
Abilities: Telepathy – the ability to communicate mind-to-mind
Teleportation – the ability to teleport anywhere within sight or that can be strongly visualized in the mind
Assisted Firebreath – the ability to breathe fire after ingesting firestone
Shapeshifting – the ability to change into anything that the dragon can see. When young, has little control over the ability and may shift randomly, at inopportune times.
Light Weapon – the ability to produce and use light as a weapon. When young, can only use light that is already present, but can train to use own energy to produce weaponized light. Uses a lot of energy and may cause harm when overused.
Gliding – the ability to glide using secondary wings
Semi-Insubstantial – the ability to become half insubstantial at will
Personality: Shy, introverted, awkward. Loranaith is not a natural born leader. In fact, she would like it very much if everyone would just not look at her when and if they must speak to her. She does not like to be in crowds and will shut down if put on the spot. Loranaith will only speak through her bond with other people, but when it’s just the two of them, she is endlessly chatty. She loves exploring new ventures and hobbies, and will eagerly dive into whatever interest has caught her bond’s attention.
Parents: Lorikath x Loren
Origin: The Spectral Wilds