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  • kaitlincaul


Name: Frisia

Age: adult

Gender: female

Breed: wyvern

Colour: Spectral violet

Size: 68' long


  • Verbal Speech

  • Telepathy

  • Teleportation

  • Nexus Teleportation

  • Telekinesis

  • Luminescent - Small balls of magical light float over each of their spines. These lights will brighten and dim with the dragon’s energy level, as well as being able to be controlled consciously.

  • Light Manipulation - Can manipulate the light and shadows around them to make things brighter/darker, produce a burst of bright light or similar

  • Damage Resistance - Resistance/reduction in damage from physical attacks

  • Breath Weapon - Light/Concussive Force (Laser Beam attack!)

Personality: Protective, honourable, commanding. Frisia is a powerful and commanding leader with a strong sense of honor and an unwavering commitment to protection.​ Despite her commanding demeanor, Frisia’s leadership is tempered with compassion. Her protective nature extends to a genuine concern for the well-being of those she leads.

Parents: ??

Origin: Dawn Watch Weyr

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