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Ermina, Framba, and Nojpeten

Name: Ermina

Age: 25 years

Gender: female

Race: human (Lantessaman)

Height: 5'9"

Personality: Ermina enjoys cooking and enjoys receiving praise from people who eat her dishes. She loves balancing menus and has a good grasp of nutritional sciences. Finishing work always gives her a huge sense of completion and she's pretty much addicted to the feeling.

Description: Ermina is a tall woman with a tendency to put on pounds, she keeps a strict diet to ensure she doesn't get too big (but at times she slips). She keeps her light brown hair short. That way it's easy to tuck under her cap when she works.



Name: Framba

Age: adult

Gender: female

Breed: Swamp Light

Colour: coral red

Size: 10' at the shoulder

Abilities: They can create crystal light balls and are able to see the future in them. The colour of these balls betrays their affinity to elemental magic. Usually a dragon displays affinity for one to three different types. Having just a single affinity means their magic in that field is very strong. Dragons with two or three affinities usually have one they're better at (depicted as a larger ball).

Relational (pink): use numerology and look to the true name of things to divine meaning

Fire (red): meditate by focusing on flames and look for prophetic dreams.

Flight, telepathy, telekinesis

Personality: Fanciful and frivolous, likes to have fun and smile​

Origin: Lantessama Isle

Hatchling Image

Name: Nojpeten

Age: adult

Gender: male

Breed: Wisp

Colour: blue

Height:13" at the shoulder

Abilities: Flight, telepathy, Air (personal air condition-unit)

Personality: Dedicated and a bit slow, listens when he's told what to do.

Hatchling Image

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