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Emily and Ismaunassa


Updated: Feb 18, 2023

Name: Emily

Age: 30 years

Gender: female

Race: Mutated human (Tris’Hathian)

Height: 6’10"

Personality: Emily is a bit of a shy girl. She tends to be nervous around new people, but warms up if enough time and effort is given. She’s a dependable friend and a very caring soul. A nurturer in the truest sense of the word. However, she has also been terribly scarred by events in her forgotten past and so tends to be wary around strangers and those her friends don’t trust. Given that she is an optimistic person, she must rely on her friends to make proper judgment calls on those who may only be out to hurt her.

Description: Tall, waifish thin, skeletal. Though she does her best to maintain her blue hide and curling violet hair, Emily is undead. She is held together by forces she doesn’t understand, and every year sees her a little more unraveled than the last. She prefers not to adorn herself in too much clothing though, as she finds it cumbersome. She does tend to enjoy jewelry though.



Name: Isamunassa ("without sorrow")

Age: adult

Gender: male

Breed: phoenix/sira hybrid

Colour: flaming gray

Height: 3’9” at the shoulder

Abilities: Fire Immunity. Flame Aura. Flame-Pyre Reincarnation. Shapeshifting (Human). Telepathy. Verbal Speech.

Personality: Ismaunassa is a warm and gentle fellow, like the banked fire of one’s comfortable home hearth. Though he’s a fragile creature he moves and acts like something much bigger and stronger, extending a protective wing over anyone he holds dear, foremost of whom is Emily herself. He loves the dragoness dearly, in a platonic fashion, and is an endless well of support she can fall back on whenever she’s feeling uncertain and afraid.

Origin: The Abstract Destiny

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