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Bixeon and Thorith


Updated: Feb 18, 2023

Name: Bixeon (B'xeon) Cassise

Age: 22

Gender: male

Race: human (Tris'Hathian - Traxan)

Height: 6'1"

Description: Tall, slender, brown eyes, black hair, prefers to dress in bright colours

Personality: Slow to trust but warm and friendly once he connects with someone, Bixeon tends to keep himself quite guarded. He is an honest and caring individual, almost to a fault, and well aware of how this aspect of himself can get him into trouble. As such, he has a very small friend group, which suits his introverted self just fine.


Name: Thorith

Age: adult

Gender: male

Breed: Pernese

Colour: amber

Size: sport

Base: brown

Length: 34'6"

Height: 6'7"

Personality: considerate, sociable

Abilities: telepathy: can speak using his/her mind only

teleportation: can travel to a different location instantly

telekinesis: can move objects with their mind

assisted fire breath: can breath fire after digesting firestone

Genetic Code: XGw+df Y Rr BB cxGcK TEt EE/Ee iirKk PP OO SS*/R a1Ea1E U*U HH Mm

Origin: Isla Weyr

Hatchling Image:

Weyrling Image:

Genetic Image:


Name: Lucian

Species: Dodrian (Lanuthan standard terrier)


Origins: Tris’Hath

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