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How could she have given him the slip like this? Onesto was not quite frantic, he knew that his charge, his Empress, was safe - but... but she wasn't here, at least she wasn't here now. She had been with the others, she scooted around in her chair to the balconies and the casino and all the other sights of this massive event, before settling on that particular balcony where she, Mystic, Baeris, Keenan and several other big names had gathered. On one hand, Onesto was glad he wasn't required to remain - she was in her element with them, she was a leader and a powerful force at that.

But she was still so frail, still-- He shook off those thoughts. Naeodin was just as delightfully impish now, after everything that had happened, as the stories of her exploits in her youth. He almost wished he had seen her in her prime, but then perhaps... He bit back a little worry, a little delight, as he thought of Mia, and let the butterflies in his chest rise.

That misunderstood and amazing woman still held his thoughts when he watched a number of the Vella Crean's party-goers show off their new draconic companions. And, distracted by a little bit of an accident at one of the tables when a newly hatched dragon appeared to leap up onto it and 'stole' someone's meal, he faintly heard Naeodin's tittering laughter and a lot of other people speaking at once. Oh no.

She was - already - leaving? With one of those hosts, the Lanes, though he couldn't tell which one it was? He opened a portal directly from their balcony. And with tunnel vision clouding the edges of his view from the floor, Onesto watched as the tall and darkly-dressed man wheeled his Empress out through a glowing orange-edged green ball of energy. He couldn't possibly reach that balcony in time to go with them, or to stop her from leaving.

Those butterflies in his stomach seemed to all drop dead to the floor; he was now here 'on his own' as she'd hinted he'd be. He knew that she was going to want to head off to the Flurry and combine these events, he knew that this was part of her plan, but just. It was so contrary to what he'd hoped would occur.

Though what he did hope was unclear, even to him. Maybe... it was time he started thinking about the future, his future possibly with an eye toward Maramia, but right now was certainly not the time or place to do that. He fretted, but made his way around the venue to try and distract himself. Somewhat successfully, after breezing through the casino, watching one of the big shows - that was amazing, with all the dragons participating on both sides of the venue and the Stage showing off those on the other side with screens - he wore himself out in the attempt to calm his nerves.

Finally, Onesto found himself a somewhat quiet seat by the bar, and attempted to collect himself. The clock on the wall said it was barely an hour until Midnight, so maybe the party had worn out the Empress a little, maybe she'd arrive and just take a nice nap. Oh who was he kidding, she'd push herself and he wouldn't be there...

You worry too much about her, and not enough about yourself, a voice said, and it was weirdly close to his ear.

Wait it wasn't close to his ear at all, it was inside his mind?

I think he worries just enough, a little worry is good to keep you on your toes, isn't it?

Another voice, different ear - or maybe 'different side of his mind'. He was definitely exhausted, both physically and emotionally, at this point, and really couldn't do anything but glance to both sides. He saw dragons, they'd cornered him.

We have not cornered you, we're here to pick you up.

We're going to come home with you, don't you want more eyes on your charge?

The considerably larger of the young pair rose to her hind feet, inexpertly but still able to stand, as her companion slid under her and would support her if she began to topple. They were as different as you could get at this event: one of them bipedal with amazing stripes all over and little wings on her hips in addition to the massive ones on her back... The other sleek and low to the ground with a distinctive Hathian set of arm wings in amazing chrome over her black and white body.

"I... I guess I do, I think," he actually did ponder that idea, and liked it more and more. "I think you'll do very well for me. Extra eyes and extra minds, maybe I might even be able to outsmart her one of these days," Onesto glanced back up at the balcony where only a few of those officials - minus Naeodin and Maramia (where was she?) now - were still gathered.

Well good, because we're going to do that for your own good. I am Juxoti Sheva, and this is Ebony Zwitterion. We met earlier, I think we make a good team.

We do make a good team, Ebony gave off a pleased clicking sound that was almost dolphin-like in its tone. And when we get over to that Flurry thing we'll make sure that whoever joins us is right for you too.

He was about to protest - he wasn't there to bond he was supposed to keep his Empress safe!

How do you expect to do that if you have your eye on her daughter? We will watch!

Don't worry!

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