Name: Acule-Anyaythlis'Refugium (Call to the Depths)
Age: adult
Gender: male
Breed: 1/2 Wheke-Ika, 1/2 Miirusian Octodragon
Colour: White-Yellow-Tan
Size: 53' long
Abilities: telepathy, underwater breathing, water magic, teleportation, echolocation, gravity manipulation, sympathetic link
Personality: Acule is a deeply private, prideful individual. He wants to be part of something important and aiding Scylla in building her community is a task worthy of his intellect. He's studious, intelligent, and devours knowledge. He's always in pursuit of new information and enjoys applying himself to the scientific method. Acule can be quite haughty. He's a know-it-all that loves opportunities to show off.
Origin: Planet Zar