Name: Yasha
Age: 56 years
Gender: female
Race: Human (Tris'Hathian - Ikireri)
Height: 5'8"
Personality: Ambitious, stubborn, selfish. Yasha would describe herself as an optimist; there’s always more for her to achieve. Although goddess is quite high up the ranking scale. She is devoted to Diamis above all else and eagerly encourages her bond’s efforts to “expand the bloodline.” She finds any attempts to follow tradition to be antiquated and believes the ends always justify the means. Her favourite pastime is picking out new meat for her harem.
Description: Tall, athletic, severe. In Earth terms, Yasha might be described as “Amazonian.” She is extremely fit and well toned, as well as being quite tall. She adores extravagant accessories and pretty dresses, but ensures her clothing always grants her free mobility.
Name: Korulantis Diamis
Age: 238 years
Gender: female
Breed: hydra
Colour: red
Height: 31' at the shoulder
Abilities: Fire breath, acid breath, verbal speech, telepathy, high level magic
Personality: Cold, calculating, ambitious. Like her bond, Diamis is always searching for a way to move forward. She is not content being subservient to anyone else (not anymore anyway). She strongly believes in the original goal of the hydragons and is still committed to seeing that goal come to fruition. She is, at the same time, patient and intelligent. She will not move on a plan unless she is convinced that it will work.
Bonds: Yasha, Scorn Balechild, Portent Balechild, Foray Balechild, The Hyve
Origin: Tris’Hath