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Writer's pictureKaitlin Caul

Smash Balechild

Name: Smash Balechild

Age: adult

Caste: Drone

Variety: Blight

Race: Myrmex-Balespawn

Height: 2’3" at the shoulder

Personality: Smash’s three favorite things in life: mayhem, being a princess, and reminding Brawl that they should have eaten them at their hatching. They adore their sibling and do not truly wish to eat them, given that they are Balespawn Myrmex and not those disloyal ‘pure’ Myrmex, but the joke is still funny and they’re not giving it up any time soon.

Abilities: Innate Abilities: Acid Immunity, Corruption Powers, Immortality, Mindstream Communication, Realm-Traveling, Resin Secretion, Sizeshifting, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech, Wall-Climbing

Adult Abilities: Blight Plants, Plant Speak

Parents: Malice x Paroxysm

Origin: Balehome

Hatchling Image:

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