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Writer's pictureKaitlin Caul

Kaszás Balechild

Name: Kaszás Balechild (Reaper)

Age: adult

Gender: male

Breed: Balespawn

Colour: black

Height: 20' at the shoulder

Abilities: Corruption Powers: Mastery over the corruption of anything around them, organic, inorganic, and magical alike.

Destruction Powers: These Balespawn are an incarnation of destruction as well as corruption. Destroying anything around them comes with natural ease, not from brute strength but from force of will. That being said, corruption is always their first choice. The destruction of anything that could have been corrupted is a last resort.

Immortality: The cessation of physical aging upon reaching maturity and possession of eternal life thereafter. Can still be killed by lethal injuries.

Realm-Travelling: Above and beyond simple teleportation, the ability to realm-travel and cross into dimensions separated from the Nexus by more than mere space and time.

Shapeshifting: The ability to shapeshift into any other form, without limitation.

Telepathy: The ability to communicate mind-to-mind.

Teleportation: The ability to teleport anywhere within sight or that can be strongly visualized in the mind.

Verbal Speech: The ability to communicate in spoken words.

Personality: Independent, unpredictable and practical. Kaszás is an enigma wrapped in spite. While he delights in spreading dissent and doubt wherever he goes, he does so on an agenda. What that agenda is, only Kaszás knows. He will be perfectly well mannered in one instant, and then cackling over some “payback” on an unsuspecting soul in the next. He is particularly fond of Takith, the Death Court queen, and constantly seeks her approval. He is less fond of Naxi’im or anyone else who takes Takith’s attention away from him.

Origin: Balehome

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