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Writer's pictureKaitlin Caul

Idamiss Khutarr

Name: Idamiss Khutarr

Age: adult

Gender: male

Breed: Shadow hydra

Colour: black-red

Height: 25' at the shoulder

Chaos Quotient: 60%

Abilities: Breath Weapons (Acid, Fire): The ability to breathe either a gout of fire or a spray of acid.

Destruction-Feeding: Rather than simply consuming meat, these hydras can destroy to feed. The most delicious and sustaining meals are the energies released when living things die, which they can absorb simply by being present. They can also consume any energies released when they enact their destructive powers.

Destruction Powers: These hydras are an incarnation of chaos and destruction. Destroying anything around them comes with natural ease, not from brute strength but from force of will.

Insubstantial Form: Although they appear solid, these hydras can will themselves into an insubstantial shape. Like a thick cloud of smoke or fog, they can barely be touched.

Natural Spellcaster: After reaching their first decade in age, the hydra begins to develop magical ability. The older they get, the more powerful they can become.

Shapeshifting: The ability to shapeshift into any other form, without limitation. (This could indeed mean shifting even more heads than their base 18, but they would not count as natural.)

Telepathy: The ability to communicate mind-to-mind.

Teleportation: The ability to teleport anywhere within sight or that can be strongly visualized in the mind.

Verbal Speech: The ability to communicate in spoken words.

Personality: Chaos calls sweetly and an intelligent mind sees its uses, but loyalty bids one to remain steadfast. Khutarr delights in cause and effect. He causes terror and he sits back to watch the effect on all the little pathetic mortals around him. He is not one to rampage openly, but rather seed his whispers and smoke in the dead of night, where one can only question the source. As much as he would love to spend all of his time tormenting the lesser races, he practices extreme restraint for his mother’s sake. He worships Diamis with almost fanatical fervor. His love for his sister is equally strong, though of a different nature.



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