Name: Clytie Ilin'Rathaki
Age: adult
Gender: female
Breed: Elemental Spirit / Saurake / Dragon Mutt
Colour: Storm violet
Size: 20' long
Abilities: Control Darkness: The ability to control and manipulate darkness. Create Darkness: The ability to create darkness from nothing.
Telepathy: The ability to communicate mind-to-mind.
Verbal Speech: The ability to communicate in spoken words.
Telekinesis: The ability to move and manipulate objects with their mind.
Personality: Suspicious, cautious, timid. Clytie is not one to stab first and ask questions later. She is a calculating individual, always willing to listen to whatever information is being offered before making a decision. That decision, however, will typically put her own self-preservation at the top of the priority list.
Parents: Heliotrope x Skadoian Ilin'Rathaki
Origin: Danger Noodles Wielding Butterknives give away