Name: Brawl Balechild
Age: adult
Caste: Warrior
Variety: Blight
Race: Myrmex-Balespawn
Height: 9’10” at the shoulder
Personality: Technically Smash hatched first, but Brawl is the one that has that air of the level-headed older sibling playing along with the younger’s amusing antics. They’re constantly challenging Smash to not let their guard down, to catch Brawl by surprise for a change, and they’re always proud of the other no matter how much they may actually bicker and banter as siblings do.
Abilities: Innate Abilities: Acid Immunity, Corruption Powers, Immortality, Mindstream Communication, Realm-Traveling, Resin Secretion, Sizeshifting, Telepathy, Teleportation, Verbal Speech, Wall-Climbing
Adult Abilities: Ichor Skin, Poison Spray
Parents: Malice x Paroxysm
Origin: Balehome
Hatchling Image: