Name: Ahimro'vha (Ahimroth)
Age: adult
Gender: female
Breed: AAM Beast
Colour: slime
Rank: 14
Height: 9' at the shoulder
Abilities: telepathy, teleportation, fire breathing, poison tail stingers
Personality: Angry, Independent and Evil
Origin: Arx Atra Mons
Name: Ostas'vha
Age: adult
Gender: female
Breed: AAM beast
Colour: coal
Rank: 13
Height: 8' at the shoulder
Abilities: telepathy, teleportation, fire breathing, poison tail stingers
Personality: Secure, Dumb, Serious and Action-oriented
Origin: Arx Atra Mons
Name: Ruhonet'zjan
Age: adult
Gender: male
Breed: AAM beast
Colour: mud
Rank: 8
Height: 6' at the shoulder
Abilities: telepathy, teleportation, fire breathing, poison tail stingers
Personality: Careful, Hard-working, Confident and Dreary
Origin: Arx Atra Mons
Name: Owryn'isa
Age: adult
Gender: female
Breed: AAM beast
Colour: black
Rank: 4
Height: 5' at the shoulder
Abilities: telepathy, teleportation, fire breathing, poison tail stingers
Personality: Insecure, Aggressive and Focused
Origin: Arx Atra Mons